Articles relating to Software Engineering and everything it involves. Relevant Topics: Unity, C/C#, App Development, SQA and more!

Code Refinement and Refactor Methods With Examples
Master the art of Refactoring to enhance code quality, readability, and collaboration. Learn key techniques like Extract Method, Extract Variable, and more. Elevate your software development with these proven practices for optimal performance and maintainability.
Sorting Algorithms For Efficient Data Organization
Explore sorting algorithms like Bubble, Insertion, and Selection Sort. Learn their principles, implementations in C++, and efficiency analysis. Discover the advantages and disadvantages to make informed choices in algorithm selection. Subscribe for more insightful articles.
Building a Pub/Sub WebSocket Server in Bun
Step into the world of Bun, the high-performance JavaScript framework written in Zig, and build your own exceptional pub/sub WebSocket server. With this detailed guide, you'll seamlessly manage subscriptions, publish messages, and optimize your app's performance.
Mastering Microservices: A Comprehensive Guide to Building an API with NestJS - Part 1
Part 1 of our series on microservices with NestJS: Discover the basics & advantages of microservices over traditional architectures. Explore setup, dependencies, and development process using NestJS & RabbitMQ. Stay tuned for more on building a comprehensive microservices app.
Finding The Smoke in Smoke Testing
The meaning of smoke testing can vary field to field but in the world of Software Quality Assurance, what meaning does it hold? Dive into this article and learn about the origin, different analogy types and how smoke testing can help in testing the major functionalities of your software.
The Many Roles of Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Engineers
Is the responsibility of Software Quality Engineers only limited to testing and looking for bugs? This blog debunks the long-running myth and discusses the hidden skills of SQA engineers that can be leveraged to perfect your product and the user experience that comes with it.
From Code to Cloud: Building and Publishing an NX NestJS Library with Prisma and PostgreSQL
Learn to publish Nx libraries for efficient codebase management. With prerequisites like Node.js and a well-configured package.json, follow the guide to create, publish, and verify your library on npm, enabling code reuse and collaboration.
Comprehensive Overview of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and Its Significance in Software Development
BDD specs, often written in languages like Gherkin, provide clear, human-readable descriptions of how software should behave, enhancing communication and enabling automated testing for improved software quality. Create a BDD, learn about it's three phases along with example use cases in this blog.
Unlocking Flexibility: The Power of Composition over Inheritance in Object-Oriented Design
Learn the key distinctions between inheritance and composition in object-oriented programming. Discover how composition's flexibility, loose coupling, and ease of testing make it an ideal choice for scalable and adaptable systems.
Unity Collectibles: Using Interfaces for Dynamic Collection
Interface in Unity provides a simple solution if you have multiple collectibles in your game. Get ready to create scripts and integrate multiple collectible items in your Unity project with the help of this blog.
Type Casting in TypeScript: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover how to effectively perform type casting in TypeScript, from angle bracket syntax to the "as" keyword. Explore multiple use case scenarios, learn the nuances of type assertion, handle union types, find best practices for effective type casting and more.