Path Finding AI using Genetic Algorithm in Unity - Tutorial Part 2
In Part 1, we created a Neural Network model. That model is filled with random values and needs to be trained before it can behave correctly. In this part, we will implement the genetic algorithm to train it.
Path Finding AI using Genetic Algorithm in Unity - Tutorial Part 1
We will build an AI agent using a Neural network model and train it using a Genetic algorithm. Some understanding of Neural networks and Genetic algorithms will make it easier to follow but is not necessary as we will be discussing them here.
Conway's Game of Life in Unity
Game of life also known as Conway's game of life is a model that simulates the creation, existence, and destruction of life. This model is based on the fact that life cannot exist when there is an under or overpopulation and under the right conditions there is a chance of reproducing real life.
Flock Simulation using Boids in Unity
Boid simulation is the simulation of the behaviour of creatures while moving in groups. this movement pattern can be found in the school of fish, the flock of birds. Multiple creatures seem to move in harmony and look like all of them are being controlled by a single creature.