The second part of this multi-part series is out now. You can find it here.

Tshark is a terminal-based network protocol analyser. It's a handy program when you need to dump and analyse network packets but do not have access to GUI.

This article will highlight the basic use cases of Tshark.


Like most tools, Tshark comes preinstalled with pentesting distros like kali and parrot. If you don't have Tshark preinstalled, you can install it as follows.

On Linux

Tshark is a part of Wireshark, so the Tshark commands will be available if you install Wireshark.

# debian based distros
sudo apt install wireshark

# fedora
sudo dnf install wireshark

If you just want to install Tshark and do not need Wireshark GUI, then you can install it with:

sudo apt install tshark

To run Tshark and Wireshark as a non-root user.

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common 
$ sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER

On Mac

brew install --cask wireshark

On Windows

Download the Wireshark installer from here. Make sure to tick the TShark package while installing.

Wireshark Installation Screen

Once installed, copy the path and add it to the PATH environment variable as shown below.

  • Select Install Path
Selecting the Installation Path
  • Search your start menu for "Edit environment variables for your account".
Search for Edit Environment Option
  • Edit Path.
Editing the Path variable
  • Hit OK to save the modified PATH environment.
Modified Path

Once PATH is set, run TShark to check if everything works correctly (you need to restart the cmd shell first).


Capturing Packets

tshark -i <interface_name>

While interface name should be enough, there are multiple ways to use -i

Using Interface Number

We can also use the interface number to select the interface.

tshark -i <n>
The interface might change when new interfaces are added or subtracted, so it's better to use a general interface name.

Reading From a Named Pipe

Create a named pipe.

mkfifo tsharkfifo

Then, specify the named pipe using the -i argument to read from it.

tshark -w tsharkfifo & tshark -i tsharkfifo

Filter Packets

Use -f to filter packets according to type (ports, hosts, port range, etc.), transfer direction (source aka SRC, destination aka DST), and protocols (TCP, ICMP, UDP, ARP, etc.) Examples.

  • Capture only ICMP
tshark -i 1 -f icmp
  • Capture the packet whose source port is 80
tshark -i -f 'src port 80'

You can also build a complex expression using and, or, and not ( "&&", "||", and "!" )

  • Example: Capture TCP or ICMP and ignore UDP
tshark -i 1 -f 'tcp or icmp && !udp'
To learn more about this, refer to this manual from tcpdump.

Read/Write the Capture to a File

By default, tshark creates a temporary .pcapng file if no output is specified. You can save the output to a file using a -w <file_name>.

Then, you can read the file using -r <file_name>.

You can also specify the output formats using -F <desired-format>. Some of the formats supported by tshark are:


You can change the save format as follows as well.

Analysing Pcap Files

You can use capinfos to get the metadata of a capture file. It has a total of 22 options to print specific Elements i.e -acdDeEFHiIkKlnosStuxyz. Go through the man page to know more about it.

Get the pcap files from here if you want to practice using Tshark and Wireshark.
Using Capinfos to Get Information of a Capture File

Display Filters

Similar to Wireshark GUI, we can utilise display filters on tshark to filter the packets on our display. To use the display filter feature, you need to use -Y 'display_filter' cmd argument.

Display Filter Cheatsheet

We will extract the data from HTTP requests from a pcap file using the above reference.

First, use -Y to specify we want the HTTP requests, -Tfields to specify we want to extract fields, and finally -e to specify the fields we want.

Using Tshark to Extract HTTP Requests Data

Similarly, if we want to extract an ICMP echo request, we can use the following display filters.

Display Filters

Refer to this page to know more about ICMP type and Code IDs.

For windows, using double quotes is better.

Following Stream

You can also follow the TCP stream using Tshark. To do that, we will have to use the following command.

tshark -r filename.pcap -q -z follow,tcp,ascii,0

Here, the -r is to specify the capture file, -q for a quiet output, and -z follow,tcp,ascii,0 for displaying the contents of the first TCP stream in ASCII format.

The general syntax for this is -z follow, protocol (TCP, UDP, HTTP2, etc) , mode ( ascii, ebcdic,hex,rax), filter(ip,stream-index).

Browsing TCP Stream Using Tshark
Browsing TCP Stream Using Tshark
These are only the very basic features of a TShark. You can do a lot more with it. Stay tuned to learn more about it.