I hope you have already gone through the Tech Writing 100 and 200 series. If not, please consider starting with Tech Writing 101: The Basics and Tech Writing 201: Content Standardization and Fluency. This article will be much more useful if you are familiar with the basics of tech writing.


Word Count: 600 - 1000 words
Image Usage: Ensure images comply with CC0, CC1, Public Domain, Apache2, or MIT licenses (Recommended)

About Opinion and Editorial Blogs

An opinion or an editorial tech blog is an online publication that allows writers to share their subjective analysis and personal viewpoints on a wide range of technology-related topics. These blogs provide commentary, insights, and reviews of the latest trends, news, products, and advancements in the tech industry.

Unlike traditional news reporting that aims for objectivity, opinion/editorial tech blogs prioritise subjective perspectives and analysis. They delve into discussions on emerging technologies, industry trends, and policy debates and even offer technology predictions.

While these articles allow for more flexibility in writing style, it is crucial to maintain professionalism and adhere to journalistic ethical standards. Let's dive into the guidelines to help you create a well-structured and well-written opinion/editorial blog.

Formatting Guides

Choose a captivating headline

Crafting a compelling headline is one of the most important aspects of writing an opinion/editorial blog. Your headline should grab readers' attention and accurately reflect the essence of your blog. It serves as a hook and should provide a glimpse of the topic and your viewpoint. Spend time brainstorming impactful headlines that intrigue readers and entice them to click and read your article.

Establish your perspective

In the introduction of your opinion/editorial blog, clearly state your opinion or position on the topic. Capture readers' interest from the outset and make it evident what you will discuss in your blog. Provide a brief overview of the issue you will be addressing, giving readers a sense of the controversy or importance of the topic. It will set the stage for the arguments and analysis that follow.

Provide supporting arguments

To strengthen your opinion/editorial blog, present well-reasoned arguments that support your viewpoint. Use facts, examples, and references to substantiate your claims. Ensuring that the information you present is accurate and reliable is crucial. Backing up your arguments with credible evidence enhances the credibility and persuasiveness of your blog. Take the time to conduct thorough research and find sources that support your stance.

Engage with counter arguments

Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and address them respectfully. Engaging with counterarguments demonstrates fairness and strengthens your credibility as a writer. Take the opportunity to present a balanced perspective or reinforce your position with counterarguments. By addressing opposing views, you show that you have considered different perspectives and can comprehensively analyse the topic.

Back your claims

Provide proper attribution and references whenever you assert or present information in your opinion/editorial blog. Cite credible sources to validate your statements and enhance the credibility of your blog. It helps readers understand that your arguments are based on reliable information and research. Including hyperlinks or footnotes to your sources allows readers to explore the topic further and verify the information you present.

Be clear and concise

Articulate your ideas in a clear and concise language. Use well-structured paragraphs and sentences to convey your thoughts effectively. Avoid excessive jargon and technical terms that might alienate readers. Make your writing accessible to a broad audience while still maintaining a level of expertise. Use language that is easy to understand and ensure that your arguments flow logically from one paragraph to the next.

Express your voice

Opinion/editorial blogs are meant to reflect your unique perspective. Infuse your writing with your voice and personal style while maintaining a professional tone. Engage readers with a conversational and relatable approach. Let your passion and enthusiasm for the topic shine through. Readers will appreciate the authenticity and personality you bring to your writing. However, remember to strike a balance and ensure that your voice does not overshadow the substance of your arguments.

Encourage discussion

In the conclusion of your opinion/editorial blog, encourage readers to share their thoughts, comments, and opinions. Foster a respectful and constructive dialogue within the comments section or through social media platforms. Invite readers to engage with your ideas and continue the conversation. It helps create a sense of community and allows different perspectives to be heard. Encouraging discussion shows that you value reader input and are open to hearing alternative viewpoints.

Proofread and edit

Before submitting your piece, thoroughly review it for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure that your content flows logically and coherently. Consider utilising tools like the Hemingway Editor and Grammarly to improve readability and correct mistakes. Editing is crucial in ensuring your blog is polished and professional. Take the time to revise and refine your writing to ensure it meets high-quality standards.

Submit your opinion/editorial blog

Once you are satisfied with your opinion/editorial blog, follow the submission guidelines outlined by your editor. Ensure that your content meets the standards outlined in Tech Writing 201: Content Standardization and Fluency. Pay attention to word count, formatting, and any specific requirements the publication provides. Double-check that your blog adheres to any specifications regarding image usage and licensing. Submit your blog promptly to ensure it reaches the intended audience.

Remember, opinion and editorial blogs provide a powerful platform to share your insights and contribute to the tech community's discussion. Use your platform responsibly, respect opposing views, and strive to provide valuable perspectives that fosters constructive dialogue. And lastly, finalise your blog, submit it to your editor, and let your insightful opinions be heard!

Thank you for reading! Hope this article helps you in writing effective Opinion and Editorial Tech blogs. Please leave a comment if you have any query.