Hello developer! After getting introduced to a few GUI Elements in my previous blog, today we will learn how to create a full GUI Drop Down Menu.

After going through this tutorial process, we will be able to get the result shown below.

GUI Drop Down Menu

Our Drop Down Menu will consist of 3 GUI Elements.

  1. GUI Buttons: GUI Buttons will be used as Main Menu Button and fruit option buttons in the ScrollView.
  2. GUI ScrollView: GUI ScrollView will allow our element to have a horizontal and vertical Scroll Bar and fruits options to be selected.
  3. GUI Box: a GUI Box will be used as a background image to the ScrollView.

So, let's begin!

Creating Variables

We will create different useful variables first. Their uses are described in the comments of the code snippet below.

//Keeps the slider value from SliderView.
private Vector2 scrollPosition;

//List to show as selecting options.
private string[] fruitsList = {

//Current Index of the selected fruit.
int currentFruitIndex;

//Boolean variable used to show and hide menu options.
private bool isShowOpenMenu;

//String value to update Menu Button click.
private string showMenuBtnText = "Show Menu";

///_scrollViewPositionRect provides position of ScrollView from first two parameters as x and y
///and provides width and Height of ScrollView from following two parameters as width and height.
private Rect _scrollViewPositionRect = new Rect(200, 300, 500, 300);
private float heightOfBtn = 50,
distanceBetweenEachBtn = 20;

//Image to assign to Menu Button.
[SerializeField] public Texture2D menuBtnImage;

///For the slider in scroll view to be visible scrollViewViewRect's width and height should be greater than _scrollViewPositionRect
///Because obviously if the view is smaller we would not need the slider.
private Rect _scrollViewViewRect = new Rect(0, 0, 501, 301);

//boxTopLeftPositionRect places Box at top left corner and reducing its height and width to half of GUI ScrollView height and width respectively.
private Rect boxTopLeftPositionRect = new Rect(0, 0, 500 / 2, 300 / 2),
boxTopRightPositionRect = new Rect(500 / 2, 0, 500 / 2, 300 / 2),
boxBottomLeftPositionRect = new Rect(0, 300 / 2, 500 / 2, 300 / 2),
boxBottomRightPositionRect = new Rect(500 / 2, 300 / 2, 500 / 2, 300 / 2)

//boxFullScreenViewRect has same width and height as _scrollViewPositionRect so it would be visible where ScrollView is visible.
boxFullScreenViewRect = new Rect(0, 0, 500, 300);
GUIStyle _menuBtnStyle = new GUIStyle(),

//GUI Style for Menu Button.
selectedItemDisplayStyle = new GUIStyle(),

//GUI style for output text. 
_optionsBtnStyle = new GUIStyle(); //GUI style for options in drop down menu.
Variables Declaration

GUI Styling

We don't just want to create a drop-down menu but also present it beautifully. So, we can create different GUI Styles and define them.

void DefineStyles() {
  //Customizing Menu Button properties.
  _menuBtnStyle.fontSize = 35;
  _menuBtnStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
  _menuBtnStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
  _menuBtnStyle.normal.textColor = Color.cyan;
  _menuBtnStyle.normal.background = menuBtnImage;

  //Customizing output text properties.
  selectedItemDisplayStyle.fontSize = 20;
  selectedItemDisplayStyle.normal.textColor = Color.green;

  //Customizing options properties.
  _otionsBtnStyle.fontSize = 30;
  _otionsBtnStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;
  _otionsBtnStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

Define GUI Styles

Showing/Hiding Menu

We will create a button that will show and hide the drop-down menu.

 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 50, 250, 80), showMenuBtnText, _menuBtnStyle))
            //Changing states for menu btn clicked.
            if (!isShowOpenMenu)
                isShowOpenMenu = true;
                showMenuBtnText = "Hide Menu";

                isShowOpenMenu = false;
                showMenuBtnText = "Show Menu";
Create Menu Button

Now, let's write the code to show the drop-down menu when the button is pressed. In this step, we will be creating a ScrollView. We can set its dimensions by assigning _scrollViewPositionRect and _scrollViewViewRect. Also, let's create the GUI Box in this step.

//Enabling menu options and starting Scroll View.
scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(_scrollViewPositionRect, scrollPosition, _scrollViewViewRect);

//Creating GUI Box to give as a background image .
GUI.Box(boxFullScreenViewRect, "");
Create GUI Scroll View and Box

Filling Up Menu

Now it's time to create the fruit option buttons and text for them. We will create buttons, set their position, and add a GUI label as the text view for those buttons.

for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, i * (heightOfBtn + distanceBetweenEachBtn), 300, heightOfBtn), "")) {
    //Following statements will execute on Button Click
    isShowOpenMenu = false;
    showMenuBtnText = "Show Menu";
    currentFruitIndex = i;

  //Setting text value and position such that it looks like the text of button.
  //But actual text of button is null in the place where button is defined.
  GUI.Label(new Rect(5, i * (heightOfBtn + distanceBetweenEachBtn), 300, heightOfBtn), fruitsList[i], _otionsBtnStyle);
Create GUI option buttons.

Final Script

Let's see the whole script and what it looks like.

public class DropDownGUi: MonoBehaviour {
  //Keeps the slider value from SliderView.
  private Vector2 scrollPosition;

  //List to show as selecting options.
  private string[] fruitsList = {

  //Current Index of the selected fruit.
  int currentFruitIndex;

  //Boolean variable used to show and hide menu options.
  private bool isShowOpenMenu;

  //String value to update Menu Button click.
  private string showMenuBtnText = "Show Menu";

  ///_scrollViewPositionRect provides position of ScrollView from first two parameters as x and y
  ///and provides width and Height of ScrollView from following two parameters as width and height.
  private Rect _scrollViewPositionRect = new Rect(200, 300, 500, 300);
  private float heightOfBtn = 50,
  distanceBetweenEachBtn = 20;
  //Image to assign to Menu Button.
  [SerializeField] public Texture2D menuBtnImage;
  ///For the slider in scroll view to be visible scrollViewViewRect's width and height should be greater than _scrollViewPositionRect
  ///Because obviously if the view is smaller why would we need the slider.
  private Rect _scrollViewViewRect = new Rect(0, 0, 501, 301);

  //boxTopLeftPositionRect places Box at top left corner and reducing its height and width to half of GUI ScrollView height and width respectively.
  private Rect boxTopLeftPositionRect = new Rect(0, 0, 500 / 2, 300 / 2),
  boxTopRightPositionRect = new Rect(500 / 2, 0, 500 / 2, 300 / 2),
  boxBottomLeftPositionRect = new Rect(0, 300 / 2, 500 / 2, 300 / 2),
  boxBottomRightPositionRect = new Rect(500 / 2, 300 / 2, 500 / 2, 300 / 2)
  //boxFullScreenViewRect has same width and height as _scrollViewPositionRect so it would be visible where ScrollView is visible.
  boxFullScreenViewRect = new Rect(0, 0, 500, 300);

  GUIStyle _menuBtnStyle = new GUIStyle(), //GUI Style for Menu Button.
  selectedItemDisplayStyle = new GUIStyle(), //GUI style for output text. 
  _optionsBtnStyle = new GUIStyle(); //GUI style for options in drop down menu.
  void Start() {

///This function defines GUI Styles to define properties related to font and dimensions.
  void DefineStyles() {
    //Customizing Menu Button properties.
    _menuBtnStyle.fontSize = 35;
    _menuBtnStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
    _menuBtnStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
    _menuBtnStyle.normal.textColor = Color.cyan;
    _menuBtnStyle.normal.background = menuBtnImage;

    //Customizing output text properties.
    selectedItemDisplayStyle.fontSize = 20;
    selectedItemDisplayStyle.normal.textColor = Color.green;

    //Customizing options properties.
    _otionsBtnStyle.fontSize = 30;
    _otionsBtnStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;
    _otionsBtnStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;


  void OnGUI() {

  void ShowGui() {
    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(150, 50, 250, 80), showMenuBtnText, _menuBtnStyle)) {
      //Changing states for menu btn clicked.
      if (!isShowOpenMenu) {
        isShowOpenMenu = true;
        showMenuBtnText = "Hide Menu";

      else {
        isShowOpenMenu = false;
        showMenuBtnText = "Show Menu";

    if (isShowOpenMenu) {
      //Enabling menu options and starting Scroll View.
      scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(_scrollViewPositionRect, scrollPosition, _scrollViewViewRect);
      //Creating GUI Box to give as a background image .
      GUI.Box(boxFullScreenViewRect, "");
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, i * (heightOfBtn + distanceBetweenEachBtn), 300, heightOfBtn), "")) {
          //Following statements will execute on Button Click
          isShowOpenMenu = false;
          showMenuBtnText = "Show Menu";
          currentFruitIndex = i;

        //Setting text value and position such that it looks like the text of button.
        //But actual text of button is null in the place where button is defined.
        GUI.Label(new Rect(5, i * (heightOfBtn + distanceBetweenEachBtn), 300, heightOfBtn), fruitsList[i], _otionsBtnStyle);

      //Ending Scroll View.
    else {
      //This label is output text which is to show result of options clicked.
      GUI.Label(new Rect(30, 50, 300, 25), fruitsList[currentFruitIndex], selectedItemDisplayStyle);

Finally, assign the Menu Button Image to anything of your choice in the inspector.

Menu Button Image Option

You should see the drop-down menu we just designed.

Thank you for reading this post till the end and I hope you have learned a new thing today!