This is Part 2 of a multi-part series about Dockerizing and Deploying a NodeJS application to a Kubernetes cluster. You can find Part 1 here.

What We'll Do

In Part 2, we will cover the following steps.

  • Setup Kubernetes Cluster
  • Deploy Application into Kubernetes


Certain Pre-Requisites need to be fulfilled to successfully complete the tutorial.

  • A Kubernetes Cluster (Instructions are provided in the Kubernetes Cluster Setup section below)
  • Application to be deployed in a Containerized Form


Kubernetes is a container orchestration system used to manage containerized applications and handle automated deployment, scaling, scheduling, storage, application updates, load balancing, self-healing, and monitoring containers across an infinite group of hosts.

Currently, there are many container orchestration systems available to us, but Kubernetes is the go-to for most people as it's cost-efficient, has lots of room for deployment customization, is supported by different cloud vendors, and is Open Source. It's currently maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), but it was initially developed by Google.

This tutorial will teach us to set up and manage Kubernetes Clusters. We'll also deploy the Node Application that we previously Containerized (Part 1) into Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes follows the master/slave architecture. There are master nodes, also known as the control plane, which manage the worker nodes and together, they are known as a cluster. There's always at least one node in a functioning Kubernetes cluster. The master node can also function as the worker node, i.e. it can also host application deployments, but they are separated in production setups.

There'll be another blog in the future explaining Kubernetes Components and its Architecture in Depth!

Kubernetes Cluster Setup


Kubernetes Clusters are managed using an API Server known as Kube API. It's an HTTP REST API and is the real Kubernetes user interface. We communicate with it using kubectl which is a client for the API Server.

How it Works

Kubernetes Operations are exposed through an individual endpoint in the API. Kubectl communicates with the Kube API to execute Operations by executing HTTP requests to the particular resource endpoint.

We can use brew to install kubectl (For Linux/Unix/Mac)

brew install kubectl

Windows Users can install kubectl through the installer found on the official downloads webpage.

Kubernetes with Minikube

We'll also be using Minikube to create and manage our Kubernetes Cluster. You can opt to use Kubernetes as a Service provided by AWS, Azure Digital Ocean, etc. or other cluster creation tools such as kind, rancher, etc.

Installing Minikube

There are different ways to set up Minikube. For this guide, we'll use brew (For Linux/Unix/Mac Systems).

brew install minikube

Windows Users can install minikube from the installer found on the official downloads webpage.

Using Minikube

Now to start a cluster, we can use the command below:

minikube start

Creating/Starting a Kubernetes Cluster with Minikube
Minikube only uses 2 CPU cores and 2 GB RAM by default. It can be increased by specifying the flag(s) --cpus=4 --memory=4096 during new cluster creation. This command will only create a cluster if there's no cluster present. If a cluster was already created before using minikube, then the existing cluster will be started/updated.
Minikube Cluster Update

Deploying into Kubernetes

When deploying applications into Kubernetes, our methods will differ slightly from what we did to run the application in Part 1.

In Kubernetes, we create resources by communicating to the Kubernetes API. Resource Definition Files are commonly written in YAML as it's easier to work with them, but in the end, it's automatically converted to JSON by Kubectl for communication with the API.

Node Application Deployment

Let's create a YAML Definition file for the Node Application. Create and copy the following into the YAML file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: node-test-app
  name: node-app-secret-referenced
  replicas: 1
      app: node-test-app
        app: node-test-app
      - image: username/image-name:tag
        name: nodejs-chat-app
          - containerPort: 3000
          - name: NODE_MONGODB_USERNAME
                name: node-mongodb-secret
                key: database-access-user
          - name: NODE_MONGODB_PASSWORD
                name: node-mongodb-secret
                key: database-access-pawd
          - name: NODE_DATABASE_SERVER_URL
                name: node-mongo-configmap
                key: database_url
                name: node-mongo-configmap
                key: port
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: node-service
    app: node-test-app
  type: ClusterIP
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 3000
YAML for Node Application Deployment

MongoDB Deployment

Now let's create a YAML Definition file for our Database (MongoDB). Create a file called mongodb.yaml and copy the following into it:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: mongo-deployment
    app: mongo
  replicas: 1
      app: mongo
        app: mongo
      - name: mongo
        image: mongo:latest
          - containerPort: 27017
                name: mongo-secret
                key: mongo-username
                name: mongo-secret
                key: mongo-password
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mongo-service
    app: mongo
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 27017
      targetPort: 27017
YAML for MongoDB Deployment

We also need to add Configmaps and Secrets to our Kubernetes Cluster. This is done so that credentials are not Hard-Coded in the code and can be changed during deployments.

The passwords/usernames and database URL/Port will be added using Secrets and Configmaps, respectively.

This is done to modularize the installation and keep components independent of each other!

MongoDB Secret (Username/Password)

This Secret will be used to initialize MongoDB with the provided credentials.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: mongo-secret
type: Opaque
# username password should be in base64 format
    mongo-username: <user-name>
    mongo-password: <pass-word>
YAML for MongoDB Secret
Data in secrets need to be base64 encoded. Please encode the username/password you want to keep and paste it into their respective fields!

Node ConfigMap (DB URL/PORT)

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: node-mongo-configmap
  database_url: mongo-service.default.svc.cluster.local
  port: "27017"
YAML for Node Configmap

This Configmap will be used by the NodeJS Application to connect with MongoDB.

Node MongoDB Secret (Username/Password)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: node-mongodb-secret
type: Opaque
# username | password should be encoded in base64 format, k8 will automatically decode it during use!
    database-access-user: <user-name>
    database-access-pawd: <pass-word>
YAML for Node Secret

This Secret will be used by the NodeJS Application to authenticate with MongoDB.


Now that we've our YAML(s) ready, let's deploy our application into Kubernetes using the kubectl apply -f command.

kubectl apply -f node-deployment.yaml

kubectl apply -f node-configmap.yaml

kubectl apply -f mongodb-secretfile.yaml

kubectl apply -f node-secretfile.yaml

kubectl apply -f mongodb-deployment.yaml

Creating Deployments

The status of our deployments can be checked using the following command:

kubectl get all

The above command fetches all resources present in a particular namespace only. The -n parameter can be used to specify different namespaces.
Status of Deployments

As seen above, our deployments are healthy, and no issues have occurred. We can access the application from our browser using port-forwarding. This basically works by tunnelling our traffic into the service, which will re-direct our traffic into a particular pod using the round-robin load-balancing method.

kubectl port-forward svc/node-service 3000:80


Now, if we open the URL localhost:3000 in our browser, we should see a webpage like the one shown below.

Image Showing Node Webpage

If the communication between the database and the application is successful, then whatever you type and send should be displayed.


Following this tutorial, you successfully set up a Kubernetes Cluster (Locally) using Minikube and deployed the Node JS Application (created in Part 1) into a Kubernetes Cluster.

You also learnt about Kubernetes and how it works! This tutorial can be used as a reference for further deployments that you'll make in the future!

Always follow security best practices when deploying production workloads!
This is it for the second part of the blog. In the next one we'll implement autoscaling for our deployments and load test our application! Stay Tuned!