At Yarsa Games, we build real-time multiplayer games played by people all around the world. Our application servers are provisioned automatically to distribute the load worldwide. Even a single second of latency is not acceptable because of the nature of real-time multiplayer games.
In this story, I'm sharing how we introduced OpenResty and Lua in our real-time leaderboard service to cut down latency by half. We decreased the round trips by piping the Redis commands together.
Background Information
In small to medium application servers, the database server is usually installed in the same physical server or in the same virtual private cloud (VPC). There is little to negligible latency between the application server and the database server.
However, in large applications where application code runs in multiple data centres scattered across the globe, the database is hosted in different locations. The latency due to the physical distance between the application server and database server is quite noticeable.
The Latency
In the worst case, an application server and database server are apart, and the latency is approximately 1000ms, ignoring the database operation time.
Now let's take an example query where you need to update bulk data (say n = 4) for four players after a match ends. You might be tempted to run four different commands, eventually leading to a four-second delay in updating the scores for all four players.
Reducing Latency
When developing on your local machine, it's easy to fall prey to all kinds of mistakes that increase latency without even realizing it.
Here are some ways to reduce latency.
Method 1: Avoid Database Operations Inside a Loop
for ( const player: Player of players ) {
// calculate score
const gameScore: number = calculateScore(player);
// publish to redis (takes 1000 ms)
await publishScore(player, gameScore);
// total latency: (1000ms x players.length)
Notice line #7 in the example code above. Not only are we connecting to a remote server to publish each player's score, but we're also performing an unsafe operation here. The scores will be totally messed up if the database server stops functioning in the middle of the operation. We need a different system to roll back the previous operations in case of failure.
Instead of looping through the results and running the database operation commands, we can fetch the data and then use bulk operations.
For example:
const scores: { score: number; player: Player }[] = []
for ( const player of players ) {
// calculate score
const gameScore: number = calculateScore(player);
// push to scores
scores.push({ score: gameScore, player: player })
// publish to redis (takes 1000 ms)
await publishScores(scores);
// total latency: (1000ms)
Method 2: Use Redis Pipelining
Redis supports pipelines that help us avoid multiple round trips to the server by combining multiple queries. Read more about using pipelining to speed up Redis queries here.
The Leaderboard Use Case
I used a Redis server to store players' leaderboards in sorted sets. The leaderboard would reset every day so the new players could also have a place on the leaderboard.
Suppose we have a sorted set called scores in our Redis database. When a match ends, I must increase or decrease each player's score.
In some cases, I had to fetch multiple items from multiple sets, perform mathematical operations on the existing ones, and then push the changes back to Redis. Performing mathematical operations on the application service introduced unavoidable latency.
While Redis supports some bulk operations for fetching multiple values from a sorted set and setting values – like the zrevrange command – it does not support bulk mathematical operations on commands like zincrby. That's why some of the processing had to be done outside Redis.
Introducing OpenResty with Lua
We needed a wrapper around our Redis server to perform the mathematical operations – preferably an API that would make interacting with the Redis server easier – so I started looking for options.
One option that I considered was writing a thin Node.js application. I'd eventually need a web server or a load balancer on top of the Node.js app for SSL termination, dynamic routing, throttling and more. I thought OpenResty with Lua would be a good fit. OpenResty is a fork of the Nginx web server, and it supports Lua scripting out of the box.
I installed OpenResty on the Redis server and decided to write the logic of the operation in Lua. Introducing OpenResty didn't impact the performance of the Redis server as Redis was mostly heavy on memory and sparsely used CPU resources. OpenResty is heavier on the CPU, so cramming one more process into the machine didn't cause any significant difference in performance.
As good as it gets, there's an official plugin, Lua-Resty-Redis, directly connected to the Redis server running on the same machine. This setup can only reduce latency!
Combining OpenResty and Redis Pipeline
I could take away the last bit of latency by combining this setup with the Redis pipeline for bulk zincr on the sorted set. Look at the following sample codes to understand how I put everything together.
1. Bulk Set Operation
In most cases, we need to increase or decrease the scores of the players after every match. In some cases, we need to update multiple leaderboards at once. However complex the scenario may be, you can send a complex object as the request body to the OpenResty server.
"leaderboard": "coins",
"score": 40,
"player_id": 1
"leaderboard": "coins",
"score": -40,
"player_id": 2
The above example data is sent after a match between two players. The first player's coins need to be increased by 40, whereas the second player's coins need to be decreased by 40.
You can use Lua to parse the request body, traverse the list, or normalize the data structure to fit your needs. Then use Redis pipelines to perform the bulk operation in a single go.
http {
server {
# bulk increase player scores to a leaderboard
# body: an array containing leaderboard name, score & player_id
location /set {
default_type 'text/plain';
content_by_lua_block {
-- plugins to parse json & connect to redis
local json = require('cjson')
local redis = require('resty.redis')
-- connect to redis
local red = redis:new()
local ok, err = red:connect("", 6379)
-- read and decode data in body
local body = ngx.req.get_body_data()
local your_data = json.decode(body)
-- initialize redis pipeline
for i = 1, #traverse your_data
local lb = your_data[i]['leaderboard_name']
local scores = your_data[i]['score']
local player_id = your_data[i]['player_id']
red:zincrby(lb, score, player_id)
-- commit the redis pipeline
} #end /set
} #end server
} #end http
2. Bulk Fetch Operation
Every time a player wants to see the leaderboard, they are also interested in their rank on the leaderboard. We cannot get the list of items and their rank from the Redis using a single command. We have to do a double round-trip to fetch the leaderboard. Pipelining wouldn't be useful in this scenario.
Fortunately, we can use Lua to fetch the leaderboard list and the player's rank with one round-trip to the Redis server.
# fetches the sorted scores for the leaderboard,
# and the palyer's rank, from the leaderboard
# params: leaderboard, player_id
location /get {
default_type 'text/plain';
set_unescape_uri $name $arg_name;
set_unescape_uri $id $arg_id;
content_by_lua_block {
-- plugins
local json = require('cjson')
local redis = require('resty.redis')
-- redis connection
local red = redis:new()
local ok, err = red:connect("", 6379)
local nameOfSet =
local returnData = {}
-- leaderboard with scores
local data, err = red:zrevrange(leaderboard, 0, 100, 'withscores')
-- the rank of player
local rank, err = red:zrevrank(leaderboard, ngx.var.player_id)
if data then
returnData['leaderboard'] = data
if rank then
returnData['rank'] = rank
} #end /get
3. Bulk Delete Operation
In any decent game, there are several leaderboards, and the players are a part of a bunch of them. Removing players from the leaderboard is a good idea when they are no longer available. Using pipelines, removing a player from multiple leaderboards (sets) could have been done simply on the application server.
Still, since I was already into Lua, I decided to implement the bulk delete operation in Lua itself.
# delete player from leaderboards
# params: leaderboards, player_id
location /del {
default_type 'text/plain';
set_unescape_uri $name $arg_name;
set_unescape_uri $sets $arg_sets;
-- plugins
local json = require('cjson')
local redis = require('resty.redis')
-- redis connection
local red = redis:new()
local ok, err = red:connect("", 6379)
-- get all keys, then remove user from those sets
local keys = json.decode(ngx.var.leaderboards)
local keys, err = red:keys("*")
if keys then
for i = 1, #keys
red:zrem(keys[i], ngx.var.player_id)
} #end /del
The above examples do not include code that validates the incoming requests, sanitizes the data, and post-processing before sending a response.
In a nutshell, you can write Lua code on top of Redis using OpenResty. This way, you can make a Redis server programmable. Then you can perform all bulk operations using the Lua code on the same server as your Redis database instead of the application server running thousands of miles away.
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